From Mom: We go to work at 12:00pm today. We ate two meals this week in the CCM (MTC), and met the President and his wife. It is so fun to be there with all the missionaries... They greet us and want to know where we're from. I worked all day in the baptistery yesterday, and it was so fun to be with the youth. We had two big groups, so we were hustling. I am understanding a lot, but the response is slower! The hermanas say my Spanish pronunciation is good. I have gotten asked to do an endowment session everyday this week. I love it because it's all in Spanish and I can listen carefully. We were the witness couple twice because there wasn't enough people. They pull you for the prayer circle too, and you hurry, get all dressed, and stand in. I mean no disrespect, but the temple is so small, it is like a little doll house and the people are tiny and precious! The people hug and give you a kiss on the cheek when they leave the temple... They are so loving. We will probably be busy today... Friday and Saturday are the busiest days. They try not to turn anyone away because some travel so far to get here. Gotta go... I am the personal trainer to my companion, and by that I mean I have to drag him over to exercise! It's like I am Jillian on The Biggest Loser, minus the yelling and swearing! Bahaha. Love and miss you guys! xox
From Dad: We start at 12:00pm at the temple and go until 8:00 tonight. Right now, Mom is dragging me to the exercise yard, or the prison yard, for my daily workout. I mean literally dragging me. The last few days we ate at the Missionary Training Center for lunch and it was quite good. But today we will be in the temple when food is served. Tell Grant I saw lots of missionaries I will send him some pictures next week. We met the MTC President and his wife, Nicolayson, I believe that is spelled correctly. Stephanie sent pictures of the new faucet on the sink, they look great! How are things coming? Have you got the dryer yet? That's going to be a job to vent that. Well I hope all goes well. Love you all.
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